C (225/301)

From:Martyn Capewell
Date:10 Aug 99 at 17:50:35
Subject:Re: Menus and Hooks

From: Martyn Capewell <martyn@jubileeweb.freeserve.co.uk>

Hello Ben

On 08-Aug-99, you wrote:

> From: Ben Hutchings <womble@zzumbouk.demon.co.uk>
> NM_COMMANDSTRING is for use when you want to use a keyboard command

Thanks. Could be useful.

>> But I still can't initialise the h_Entry field of the Hook structure. If
>> I do this:
>> hook->h_Entry = (HOOKFUNC)abortdrawfunc;
>> VBCC complains "unknown identifier <abortdrawfunc>".
> Then that's a bug in VBCC.

Apparently, I should've prototyped the function before I tried to get the
function pointer. It works now.


- Martyn Capewell
{ Compsci, University of Cambridge }
{ http://members.xoom.com/legerdemain0 }